Teach Think

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From the Blog…

Managing Chaotic School Days

Managing Chaotic School Days

Every teacher has those days. Halloween, the day before Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Parent-Teacher Conferences, the last week of school. Of course, we want these hectic school days to be semi-productive, but we also don't want to pile even more stress onto our...

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Adding Language Skills to your Read Aloud

Adding Language Skills to your Read Aloud

It can be really hard to fit everything in to our ELA instruction.  Often, it’s language and grammar that gets left out, but these are important skills that our students need in order to become truly literate.   One way to fit these sills in...

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FUN Summer Learning: 10 ideas

FUN Summer Learning: 10 ideas

Did you know that kids can lose 2-3 months of learning over the summer?  No one wants to start the new school year already behind!! Here are 10 FUN things that kids can do over the summer to keep their brains sharp: 1. Play with water. Use plastic tubes, things...

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End of the School Year Ideas

End of the School Year Ideas

The end of the school year can be a fun, but stressful time.  We want to make sure our students are learning up until the last day, but we also want to review, tie up loose ends and have time to reflect.  Here are 10 ideas for ways to have fun and keep...

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28 Reasons to Use Math Games

28 Reasons to Use Math Games

Math Games…promote strategic thinking teach cooperation allow for student choice provide an opportunity for self-monitoring are VERY motivating encourage mathematical communication help kids practice social skills/ turn taking can be...

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Math Games Checklist

Math Games Checklist

I love using math games in my classroom.  I have many reasons why I (and my students) love playing math games.  But how do I decide which games to spend our precious class time playing?  What makes for quality math games?  Below is a list of the criteria I use when...

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Pictograph & Bar Graph Surveys

Pictograph & Bar Graph Surveys

I love teaching graphing and data.  Kids are naturally curious, as every teacher & parent knows, and they get very excited about collecting their own information about the world around them.  It's really fun for them to have the opportunity to choose their own...

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Teach Think Elementary

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